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Thursday 17 February 2011


This week I will be researching on radio adverts and learning more about the codes needed to make a successful radio advert, which effectively advertise my newspaper. I decided to do a radio advert because I wanted both visual (poster) and aural (radio) sources which will effectively advertise my newspaper and persuade my readers to read the newspaper thus promoting consumerism. I also noticed from my own personal experience and from my research that “radio is very effective as an outreach medium". This means that radio is the best way to advertise or "reach" a product to your audience. Radio ads can take your product to all over the world so rapid publicity is possible. This is what I intend to do.Along with this, I found out that "Radio ads can take your product to all over the world so rapid publicity is possible."
Read more at http://www.articlealley.com/article_886114_48.html?ktrack=kcplink

Although this is not essential in helping my newspaper well known and entertaining for it's target audience as it is a local newspaper and not a national or global newspaper, I still felt I would be happy to at least know my newspaper attracts diverse audience.
When undergoing my research, I noticed that there wasn’t a lot of radio adverts present as most local newspapers had web-pages and the minority used newspaper posters to advertise the newspaper. I felt the reason why web-pages are used the most to advertise newspapers, is due to the growth in technology and the fact that most people and areas have access to the Internet. Not only this but most web pages such as Hackney Gazette allow their audience to get hold of soft copies of the newspaper via the web-page and all the old archives/ editions which means that the readers would still be able to retrieve any edition they have missed. However, due to the scientific research that claims that "sound travels faster than light" meaning we hear things before we see them, I decided to do a radio advert because I felt it is easier to absorb information when it is heard than when it is written especially when it is done so with a jingle in the background. :-)
After deciding what ancillary project I would like to do, I began my research. My research encouraged me to do the radio advert because I found out that “One of the most competitive media in your local market is radio".  This means that by advertising my newspaper via the radio, I have a higher chance of getting hold of my target audience and more diverse audience and most importantly, am guaranteed to effectively promote my newspaper and get them into buying the newspaper. 

One of the information I found out from my research is that, according to the radio advertising “Bureau”, “75% of all people listen to the radio daily. This does not mean they listen all day, every day. It simply means that 75% of the people have the radio on at some point during the day. They may listen for 5 minutes or 5 hours, but certainly they are not all listening all the time all day long. If you are feeling generous, you can reasonably assume that 40% of the households in your market have the radio on at the peak time of the day. “From this I decided that considering my newspaper is new in the market, I will be advertising my newspaper in the morning because that is the peak time of the day when everyone has the radio on. I also found out that most consumers admit that they “have the radio on simply for background noise”. This encouraged me to ensure that my advert is very energetic so it grabs the listener’s attention even if the radio is on, just for background noise. Along with this, listeners of the radio hate commercials as they only listen to the radio for music and news, and feel commercials interrupt this so having an energetic radio advert means that their interest level will be kept thus persuading them to listen and get hold of the paper.  As you know “radio advertising simply can't reach the number of consumers your paper can provide every week”. So I will make use of the amount of listeners/ audience this advertisement will attract.
The graph below explain that radio dominates a third of the media, so it is defiantly a good source to use in advertising my newspaper.

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