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Monday 14 February 2011

My first attempt on the ancilary task 1feedback

After doing questionnaire concerning what layout my audience would like me to use for the poster. I began constructing. Bearing in my mind all the components of a newspaper poster and the purpose of each component. After making my poster I gave them out to my audience asking them what they thought about it. Below are results of the questionnaire I gave out to 40 people that fall within my target audience. Using microsoft excel I put them into a graph, and wrote for each question the reason behind the results I achieved.
25 people out of 40 did not like this poster . With this at hand I decided to ask them why they liked and didn't like the poster.
 3 people liked the layout of the poster because they felt it followed generic conventions of the minimum amount of newspaper posters out there, and felt by doing this it made it look more professional than authentic . For the 11 people that thought the layout was okay, they liked the fact that it had the nameplate at the bottom and the headline on top, because it meant the readers will be drawn in by the headline, as most people would probably not look at the poster if they see the newspaper first as they don't recognise it. However they didn't like the simplicity of the layout and felt  it doesn't have to follow generic conventions to achieve it's purpose. For the shocking 26 people that didn't like this poster, they felt the position of the nameplate was not smart as the nameplate should be at the top that way even if the readers were drawn in mainly by the headline, they will find it easier to recognize the actual newspaper as they will recognise the nameplate from the poster. Finally they felt that the headline seems to take up too much space. They said it can still grab the audience attention even if it is small depending on how  I lay it out or present it. With this in mind I have decided to consider how much space I would like to devote to my headline, which position is best for my nameplate to be and how to make the poster less simple but still professional.
An impressive 28 people liked the colour scheme that ran through the poster as they felt it correlated well with both the front page and the inside page. They liked the fact that a darker colour was used in contrast to the bright blue used for the nameplate as it meant the nameplate stood out from the page and then immediately created an hierarchy within the poster. For the 12 people that didn't like the colour scheme they felt that it needed at least one or two really bright colours which will draw the audience attention from far.  From this result I will be considering  which bright colour i will be using on the poster and where it will be used

From the results  I noticed that 22 people said  yes the poster followed normal conventions of newspaper poster as it has all the components  of a newspaper poster such as a:  headline, nameplate , bold  large fonts, ongoing colour scheme etc.  and for the 18 people that felt it doesn't follow normal conventions was based on the fact that it doesn't fulfill is function/ purpose as to advertise the newspaper and to encourage people to read it. The 28 people that felt it was effective said that it was because the more it looked similar to normal conventions the more people would be drawn  to getting involved and reading it.  The 12 people that didn't think it was effective was because they felt that because it is a new newspaper, the advertisement for it should be different so it can stand out from the rest of the local newspapers, thus promoting consumerism for the newspaper.

As you can see 15 people felt the headline being advertised on the poster was effective enough to draw the target audience into reading the newspaper. The headline is based centred around a family in the borough, this was effective as the paper is aimed at families/ parents so they would be able to relate to it. It follows journalistic style, by using alliteration to engage the audience, and they felt this was effective.
25 people  felt it was not effective because they wanted the poster to advertise the major headline, because that way it would make it easier for the audience to recognise the newspaper and also because it would follow normal conventions of other newspaper posters thus making it more authentic and professional.
30 people said they wanted to see a picture on the poster because they felt pictures grab every one's attention more in contrast to text. They felt if there was a picture on the poster it would make it stand out more and would help the audience distinguish it from other local newspaper posters as  most of them do not have such components.  For the 10 people that felt that the poster didn't need a picture it was because they felt  although it did attract the audience  more and made the poster more aesthetically pleasing, they felt it should follow normal conventions  of newspaper posters and not try and challenge them, especially when it's new.

A shocking  39 people said they would like something added to the poster to make it more presentable and for it to effectively fulfill is function.  Most people said their main concern was the fact that it was not visually attractive enough to encourage people to read it. So they suggested that at least one or two vibrant colours aside from blue should  be used on the page and a slogan which states when the newspaper comes out , or how often it comes out (issue date).  So I will be putting  all of this feedback  into consideration when constructing another poster.


I showed those in my class my presentation in which I explained to them what I have been doing since the last time I did it. I did my presentation on the eleventh of January. I got really good feedback from my teacher who gave me an A for the components of my local newspaper saying “Excellent work produced, very impressive standard of work” an A- for my presentation components (I was quite shy) saying “confident/ detailed knowledge of work produced” and a C+ for the components in my blog and evaluation saying “very good progress being made.  Overall she said my newspaper looked better that the “real one”. In terms of hat constructive criticism I was given, she said I should try and do something more with my ancillary  task 1 which is my newspaper poster. I’ve decided to do a questionnaire based on what my audience would like on the poster, the layout and anything else they feel is needed to enhance the newspaper poster to attract them and others.

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