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Monday 31 January 2011


This week I have been making different layouts that I may consider using for my newspaper poster. After this I decided to do a questionnaire asking my target audience (40 people) which ones they would prefer for me to use and why?  I then place the results into a graph as shown below using Microsoft excel. This meant rather than having 40 pages of people's opinions i could just have one which informed me about my audience's choices.

This is my first layout, which has the nameplate of the newspaper at the top, the headline and then the slogan which is to tell the audience/ readers why they should buy the paper or when it comes out. The 12 people that liked this layout said it was because it followed generic versions of normal newspapers and so would attract them more.The rest of the 28 people that didn't like it, said it was because it followed normal conventions and they wouldn't want to read it because they would think it was a any other newspaper advert and wouldn't be interested.

  For the second layout, which has the nameplate at the bottom of the newspaper, with a large picture which dominates the whole page, and the headline of the newspaper written on top of the picture. Only 10 people liked this layout, and this was because they felt the idea of having a big picture dominating the page would attract them to the poster, as they feel less writing on a poster is more eye catching and balances out the page. For the other 30 people that didn't like this layout they felt that the layout was good but the position of my nameplate meant that it would be advertising the article and would not draw the readers attention to the nameplate. Meaning if they were to see the newspaper in the shop they will not recognise it and would no think it was the poster for that newspaper. Along with this they felt although it is good to have a big picture as most people are drawn by pictures than text, they felt the image over took the text (headline) thus putting less emphasis on the headline, and they felt this was not effective.

The third layout was the most preferred.  For the 18 people that liked this, their reason was due to the fact that they felt it had many components which encourage many people to have a look at the poster. They liked the fact that the picture was placed at one side and the text at the other, as it gave the poster a balance and made the poster look organised and made it easier to read and drew the readers attention. They liked the fact that the nameplate was at the top of the newspaper which meant that it would be the first to see thus promoting the newspaper, meaning there will be a cohesive link between the poster and the newspaper. The headline was on gang wars and the image was of a boy who was posing and had their gang sign up.They felt this was effective as it connoted well with the newspaper. They also liked the fact that it had the slogan at the bottom as not only did it encouraged them on where to buy it, but when it is published. However they felt the slogan should be "your weekly copy, out Now" that way the audience will know when it comes out and how often.

After receiving my results I decided to begin making my poster. putting the feedback I have received from my target audience into consideration.

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