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Monday 13 December 2010

WEEK 7 - The Article

This week I have been thinking about my article and headline i will be giving to  it. Before i did so, i researched about the type of headlines used. Throughout my research i learnt the recipe for making the best headline.
Lets start with the obvious one! It must correlate with your article.
It has to be snappy, short and aprubt.
Add things such as puns, alliterations to headlines to make them stand out and attract the audience.
These are a few examples i got from local newspapers.
"THE LAST LAP" this was about the council wanting to close down strip clubs. Notice the use of alliteration to grab the audience attention.
"GUILTY" The simplicity of this drew me a lot. It was just one word but had a great impact on me. It was about four people who killed a store boss/ manager.
"DOC OP DASH" I was drawn due to the way they shorten words to make it fast to read and this had an impact on the actual story which is about a doctor who was "dashed" to the hospital to be operated on due to the snow. They shortened the doctor to Doc  and the Operate to Op to emphasise on the way they rushed to take the doctor to the hospital.
"BACK HIM OR SACK HIM" The use of Rhyme  grabs the audience attention

Looking specifically at Crime, these are the headlines I researched from both national and local newspaper, i chose this because I feel with the story i have chosen, they all use similar conventions and i would have a wider knowledge thus giving me more  choices as to what type of headline  i would like and what i would like it to convey to my target audience.
"LONDON'S MURDER COUNT REACHES 90" I really liked this headline because of the facts and figures incorporated into it. This shows the whole purpose of newspaper, to inform us and in my own personal opinion educate us about where we live.

 So with all this knowledge i began to create!
 I chose the Headline
I have decided to use "Rival Gang war is going up the hill" because I felt it correlated well with the article I will be writing and the picture I have taken.  It also used  a pun which engaged the audience more.

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