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Wednesday 15 December 2010

WEEK 9- Font types

In terms of the type of font used for newspaper headlines, I found out that most newspapers use San Serif and Serif when writing their headline. The font of the newspaper is what makes or breaks the layout of a newspaper as I have discovered. I have experimented with fonts on In design I noticed that some long headlines such as mine looked out of place and made my newspaper look more like a poster as said by many of my class mates done a newspaper. So to give my newspaper the authentic look, I MIGHT be using fonts similar to Serif or San Serif depending on what I feel looks presentable.  So I will not write my headline using French Script all throughout because it is not effective and not suitable for my target audience especially the elderly who may have problems with their sight as it would be difficult for them to read. As shown below using Serif and French Script.

They both read headline but one is obviously much easier to identify what it reads. The Serif font used I feel embraces and invites the readers to read the newspaper whereas the French Script typography makes the target audience just scan or even glance at the newspaper. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not saying French Script is not a good font to used but it’s not suitable in terms of nameplate. However it can be used in articles to emphasise on a point or make it stand out.
For my newspaper, I decided to challenge the normal
Conventions and use Lucida Bright, as I wanted to highlight the fact that
There are other fonts which can also have the same effect.

Presentation feedback

This is a print screen of my presentation,which I used Microsoft powerpoint to put together. I spoke about the research and design I’ve been getting involved in, I received some feed-back from my teacher who summed it up by saying I was “knowledgeable about my aims and objectives of the project” I was “Excellent- clear/cogent, clearly done a lot of work and knows what she is working towards” and finally she thought my presentation contained “very good information” I am quite happy with the feedback I was given and  hope to sort out my critique which was to take my pictures.

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