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Tuesday 14 December 2010

WEEK 8- Other Newspaper Layouts

Ive been looking at different layouts for my second page this week and i have researches and deconstructed a few. Below are the ones i have been looking at. I looked at double pages from different local newspapers because they are all local newspapers so they follow similar conventions. I used the Internet to accumulate all these different layouts

For the first one, I liked the way there is a balance between the pictures and the text. For the second one i liked the way the advert is colorful so it immediately draws the audience attention to it. The advert on the  page tones the serious articles on the 2nd page and this was really effective. The third advert has a large picture which dominates the page.

Below are the layouts of inside pages, I drew and scanned unto the computer using the scanner. I may consider using. The layout I really like is the one with the red border. I like this because it is very diverse in terms of what it offers to the audience. On the left hand I have incorporated a sub headline along with an article which correlates with the picture.  I then have the main story on the inside page which also have pictures. Finally I have incorporated the latest weather forecast news because I felt it would appeal to my target audience and would add a balance to the newspaper so instead of it being just about stories, adverts and upcoming events, it can inform the readers about the weather. A topic that spoken a lot about by strangers etc.

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