This week I have been looking specifically at adverts. Throughout my research I found out that there are specificadverts used in local newspapers and national newspaper. National newspapers normally use adverts such as bank, perfume, Thomsons holiday and many more whereas local newspapers have adverts on houses on sale in the area etc. Below are pictures of adverts I have researched which I would be using as a guide to help me create my own adverts using photoshop to manipulate the pictures and put the ad together.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Thursday, 16 December 2010
WEEK 11- Decondtructing my own newspaper
Below are print screens of my newspaper that I constructed using In design. I created this spider diagram using microsoft office.
In constructing my newspapers,I used the column grids provided by in design to ensure I don't place things outside the A3 paper and also to give me accurate amount of space between my text. I deconstructed my newspaper as shown below, this helped me know whether or not I was following media conventions and helped me know what I've missed out and what media conventions I have challenged.
WEEK 10- My headlines
This week i have been reading a lot of local newspaper articles. I have been reading articles specifically based on crime, because that is the genre I intend to write about for my front page. I noticed that newspaper journalist write in simple sentences and do not use complicated words yet manage to keep their register formal to emphasize on the seriousness of the article. I have been looking at headlines and the ways in which journalist grab the audience with their headlines. I noticed the use of pun, alliteration, rhyme and simply short sentences or even a single word written in bold fonts, are used to grab the audience attention.
These are examples of headline I looked at, which helped me formulate my own.
These are examples of headline I looked at, which helped me formulate my own.
This was an article about the council wanting to close down a strip club. Notice the use of alliteration and also the play on word. Most strip clubs are full of lap dancers and it is the only club left. So the headline corresponded well with the article.
I really liked the idea of using a pun in my headline so I decided to do the same. My article is about a gang war which happened in Beulah Hill, can u see the link?
I also liked the effect in which a rhyme has on a headline, not only does it attract the audience but it functions like a slogan and stays in the minds of the reader
This is one headline I got from the Internet; the use of alliteration “T” engages the audience.
I also did the same with the articles in my inside page. Although they were short they still gave the reader a general idea of what the story is about. This is what I found out from most headlines, they a short, punchy yet informative enough.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
WEEK 9- Font types
In terms of the type of font used for newspaper headlines, I found out that most newspapers use San Serif and Serif when writing their headline. The font of the newspaper is what makes or breaks the layout of a newspaper as I have discovered. I have experimented with fonts on In design I noticed that some long headlines such as mine looked out of place and made my newspaper look more like a poster as said by many of my class mates done a newspaper. So to give my newspaper the authentic look, I MIGHT be using fonts similar to Serif or San Serif depending on what I feel looks presentable. So I will not write my headline using French Script all throughout because it is not effective and not suitable for my target audience especially the elderly who may have problems with their sight as it would be difficult for them to read. As shown below using Serif and French Script.
They both read headline but one is obviously much easier to identify what it reads. The Serif font used I feel embraces and invites the readers to read the newspaper whereas the French Script typography makes the target audience just scan or even glance at the newspaper. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not saying French Script is not a good font to used but it’s not suitable in terms of nameplate. However it can be used in articles to emphasise on a point or make it stand out.
For my newspaper, I decided to challenge the normal
Conventions and use Lucida Bright, as I wanted to highlight the fact that
There are other fonts which can also have the same effect.
Presentation feedback
This is a print screen of my presentation,which I used Microsoft powerpoint to put together. I spoke about the research and design I’ve been getting involved in, I received some feed-back from my teacher who summed it up by saying I was “knowledgeable about my aims and objectives of the project” I was “Excellent- clear/cogent, clearly done a lot of work and knows what she is working towards” and finally she thought my presentation contained “very good information” I am quite happy with the feedback I was given and hope to sort out my critique which was to take my pictures.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
WEEK 8- Other Newspaper Layouts
Ive been looking at different layouts for my second page this week and i have researches and deconstructed a few. Below are the ones i have been looking at. I looked at double pages from different local newspapers because they are all local newspapers so they follow similar conventions. I used the Internet to accumulate all these different layouts

For the first one, I liked the way there is a balance between the pictures and the text. For the second one i liked the way the advert is colorful so it immediately draws the audience attention to it. The advert on the page tones the serious articles on the 2nd page and this was really effective. The third advert has a large picture which dominates the page.
Below are the layouts of inside pages, I drew and scanned unto the computer using the scanner. I may consider using. The layout I really like is the one with the red border. I like this because it is very diverse in terms of what it offers to the audience. On the left hand I have incorporated a sub headline along with an article which correlates with the picture. I then have the main story on the inside page which also have pictures. Finally I have incorporated the latest weather forecast news because I felt it would appeal to my target audience and would add a balance to the newspaper so instead of it being just about stories, adverts and upcoming events, it can inform the readers about the weather. A topic that spoken a lot about by strangers etc.

Monday, 13 December 2010
WEEK 7 - The Article
This week I have been thinking about my article and headline i will be giving to it. Before i did so, i researched about the type of headlines used. Throughout my research i learnt the recipe for making the best headline.
Lets start with the obvious one! It must correlate with your article.
It has to be snappy, short and aprubt.
Add things such as puns, alliterations to headlines to make them stand out and attract the audience.
These are a few examples i got from local newspapers.
"THE LAST LAP" this was about the council wanting to close down strip clubs. Notice the use of alliteration to grab the audience attention.
"GUILTY" The simplicity of this drew me a lot. It was just one word but had a great impact on me. It was about four people who killed a store boss/ manager.
"DOC OP DASH" I was drawn due to the way they shorten words to make it fast to read and this had an impact on the actual story which is about a doctor who was "dashed" to the hospital to be operated on due to the snow. They shortened the doctor to Doc and the Operate to Op to emphasise on the way they rushed to take the doctor to the hospital.
"BACK HIM OR SACK HIM" The use of Rhyme grabs the audience attention
Looking specifically at Crime, these are the headlines I researched from both national and local newspaper, i chose this because I feel with the story i have chosen, they all use similar conventions and i would have a wider knowledge thus giving me more choices as to what type of headline i would like and what i would like it to convey to my target audience.
"LONDON'S MURDER COUNT REACHES 90" I really liked this headline because of the facts and figures incorporated into it. This shows the whole purpose of newspaper, to inform us and in my own personal opinion educate us about where we live.
So with all this knowledge i began to create!
I chose the Headline
I have decided to use "Rival Gang war is going up the hill" because I felt it correlated well with the article I will be writing and the picture I have taken. It also used a pun which engaged the audience more.
Lets start with the obvious one! It must correlate with your article.
It has to be snappy, short and aprubt.
Add things such as puns, alliterations to headlines to make them stand out and attract the audience.
These are a few examples i got from local newspapers.
"THE LAST LAP" this was about the council wanting to close down strip clubs. Notice the use of alliteration to grab the audience attention.
"GUILTY" The simplicity of this drew me a lot. It was just one word but had a great impact on me. It was about four people who killed a store boss/ manager.
"DOC OP DASH" I was drawn due to the way they shorten words to make it fast to read and this had an impact on the actual story which is about a doctor who was "dashed" to the hospital to be operated on due to the snow. They shortened the doctor to Doc and the Operate to Op to emphasise on the way they rushed to take the doctor to the hospital.
"BACK HIM OR SACK HIM" The use of Rhyme grabs the audience attention
Looking specifically at Crime, these are the headlines I researched from both national and local newspaper, i chose this because I feel with the story i have chosen, they all use similar conventions and i would have a wider knowledge thus giving me more choices as to what type of headline i would like and what i would like it to convey to my target audience.
"LONDON'S MURDER COUNT REACHES 90" I really liked this headline because of the facts and figures incorporated into it. This shows the whole purpose of newspaper, to inform us and in my own personal opinion educate us about where we live.
So with all this knowledge i began to create!
I chose the Headline
I have decided to use "Rival Gang war is going up the hill" because I felt it correlated well with the article I will be writing and the picture I have taken. It also used a pun which engaged the audience more.
Friday, 10 December 2010
WEEK 6- The Namplate
This was the first nameplate I produced before researching about my Local newspapers. I decided to have a teaser at the side of my nameplate because i liked the idea of giving the readers a taste if what will be in the newspaper and i feel the position in which i placed it (near the nameplate) would attract people to buy the newspaper. After my research I noticed that the name of my newspaper alone was not appropriate as it would be difficult to identify by my target audience. Along with this, i noticed the colour red and black was very strong on the readers eyes and was not very welcoming in terms of who it is aimed at. I aim to attract parents and elderly people and the colour red has negative connotations such as danger and although it's very bright and so will grab their immediate attention it is not very friendly. Not only that but the colour red does not represent Croydon. So i will defiantly be changing this.
Above is a print screen of my nameplate i produced on Adobe Indesign after my research. I prefer the nameplate better than the previous one i did because it appears more friendly. As you can see I changed the name of my newspaper to Croydon Times this i felt again was better that Bombay Times because it was easy to identify and reflected the normal conventions of local newspapers. All local newspapers have the name of the borough or Area somewhere on their nameplate example Hackney Gazette, South London Press, Croydon Guardian and I felt following this convention will help in the success of my newspaper. I spaced out the Croydon Times because I wanted my nameplate to take up the whole section i have dedicated to it and then added a black outline as it stood out more and I felt this would attract the audience more. Although throughout my research i found out that the price of most local newspapers where around £0.00-£0.40p i still chose to make my newspaper £0.50p because i felt those prices where cheap and wanted to challenge the media conventions. The font i used for this was Times New Roman, i used this because I felt it was simple and would attract my audience.
Above is a print screen of my nameplate which i produced using Adobe Indesign. Although i was satisfied with my previous nameplate, I felt it wasn't attractive enough. I liked the fact that it was simplistic and this was the style i was going for and still is going for, I felt it needed something because it was too plain and there was too much space. So keeping the name of my newspaper, i decided to produce another nameplate using the same software (In design) but this time referring to my questionnaire for guidance. My questionnaire showed that 26 people were attracted to nameplates that used different font sizes for each part of the name. So i began designing my nameplate that i felt would be suitable and attractive to my target audience. I chose the font Lucida Bright because I felt it was more appropriate, easy to read and clear thus grabbing my audience attention. I stuck with the colour blue but this time went for a darker blue because through out my research i noticed that both Croydon Guardian and Croydon Advertiser used these colours, along with this I felt blue is a colour that represented Croydon and also the Whitgift centre, the shopping centre which Croydon is known for is written in blue so i felt the colour resembled this. I then added a stripe and a block of light blue on the nameplate which I placed behind the name of the newspaper, i did this because the name of the newspaper was in a darker blue which i felt looked dull by itself. So this triggered me to add a brighter blue along with this in order for my nameplate to stand out. This looked friendly and welcoming thus attracting my target audience. Along with this it took care of the empty gaps which was there before I added it in as shown below. The simplicity and the balance of the bright and dull colours ensured that it wasn't too heavy on the eyes of the readers. Also I changed the price of my newspaper this was due to the results of my questionnaire which showed 16 people wanted it for 20p where sold. I also added a website in which they can go on for a soft copy of the newspaper.
Above is a table which I constructed using PowerPoint to show how my nameplate follows and challenges media conventions.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
WEEK 5- Questionnaire
I created a questionnaire asking 40 local people in Croydon between the ages of 16 and 50 a few questions about local newspapers. I chose 40 because I felt I would gain a wide range of answers thus making my results more accurate.
The results I got from my questionnaire show that most people would like me to name my newspaper as Times Croydon and the reason being that they are fed-up of the “second name” of every local Newspaper being either gazette, or press and thought having it as Croydon made the newspaper different and stand out from others. also the name Times was different and felt they would be attracted to a local newspaper which didn’t follow such conventions. One person said, “ I like the name "Times Croydon" because it reminds me of the national paper The Times and I felt because it did so it would attract a wider range of audience, so not only elderly people and parents and working class adults would be reading it but also business people, people who run a business company thus meaning the newspaper could be funded or even consume money by advertising the company in the paper. After hearing this comment, i was desperate to name my newspaper Times Croydon because I felt the influence of The Times on this paper will heighten its prestige and so it will not be viewed as any normal local newspaper.
The results I gained from this question surprised me because throughout my research I noticed that most newspapers were free. Croydon Guardian for example, the newspaper that I have been deconstructing very carefully due to the fact that we have many things in common from similar target audience to the area in which it’s set in, doesn’t sell the newspaper. It is delivered to all houses in the borough, however it is sold for 40p in newsagents. I was surprised that they didn’t want to pay 40p for the newspaper but rather wanted it to be distributed for free but sold for 20p at newsagents. This was because they felt that because it was a new local newspaper it should be sold for 20p because national newspaper such as The Sun is sold for 20-, so why should they spend 40p for a new local newspaper. Also they felt the cheaper the newspaper the more people would buy it thus promoting consumerism. However I felt for the majority of things it has inside it, it should be for 30p.
I was not happy with the results I got for this because as you can see most people chose for the nameplate to be written in different sizes. I didn’t like this because I felt although it followed the conventions of “Croydon Guardian” I felt it stopped me from showing off my creativity skills. But you know, the customer is always right. Despite this issue I would stick with this choice because I feel if the nameplate is simple as suggested, it would bring more attention to the article, which is what am obviously using to sell the newspaper. So in some aspects this was the right choice.
As you can see most people chose blue and white, I was exceptionally happy with this choice because I also wanted to use blue for the nameplate and as the color scheme of this newspaper because not only is it the color used in Croydon Guardian but because the whitgift centre, the main attraction in Croydon is written in blue.
Most of my readers chose for the front page to have a major headline accompanied by the image and article, and also a teaser and an advert. I almost suspected they would choose this because that was what I myself would also like to see on a front page of a newspaper. I was surprised to see that they wanted to see an advert at the front page despite the whole idea that adverts just take up valuable space on a front page; similarly I felt the same way when they said they wanted a teaser. I feel this was because they wanted a little taste of what was going to be inside the newspaper before they spend 20p on it which is quite fair actually. Along with this, they all wanted an equal amount of writing and pictures on the page. I was going to do this regardless because I feel it gives a balance to the page and attracts the readers more. This is because if there’s too much pictures they will feel as though they are not getting enough for their money and if it is too much writing, it will be heavy on the eyes meaning they won’t bother reading it at all.
I used Microsoft word to put my questionnaire together and then after collecting the results of my questionnaire, i used excel to put the results in the graph. This made it easier for me to accumulate information from it much quicker. As i am more of a visual person.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
WEEK 4- Local Newspaper Brainstorm
Above are print screens of the deconstruction I did of two local newspapers, This gave me a clearer understanding of the differences and similarities local newspapers have depending on what borough or area it focuses on.
I did a brainstorm on what local newspapers have in them in order to give me a rough understanding on what to incorporate into my own newspaper. Through this task, I thought about how i can challenge and follow the conventions of a local newspaper. The one thing that struck me to defiantly have in my newspaper is a teaser. I liked the idea of giving the readers a taster of what will be in the newspaper as i feel this alone can easily encourage them to read the newspaper. This also gave me a rough idea of how i would like to present certain features on my front page. The media technology i used for the creation of this brainstorm is Microsoft word.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
WEEK 3- Layouts
After my research I did mock up templates of how most magazines are layed out using Indesign to create them and power point to save them as pictures. I looked at which ones are effective, why they are effective and then chose which ones I would like to use for my newspaper. I chose the third template because I felt it had everything that would draw audiences to it, such as teasers etc. Even better because I did these layouts in in design i gained more practice.
This is the layout I will be using for my newspaper, I chose this layout because it has many parts to it which will draw the readers attention to it immediately. The nameplate like every other newspaper is placed at the top of the newspaper, this is because it is the first part that the reader would see as it is at the top. Next the dateline along with the sales information and website is placed underneath. The headline is also placed quite high because that is also what is selling the newspaper.The teaser which gives the audience a taster is placed at the left hand side of the paper. Although throughout my research I noticed the teaser on most croydon newspapers is placed at the top hand side of the newspaper, immediately after the nameplate. I decided not to do this because I felt it did not correspond well with the layout that I wanted and also I wanted more focus on my major headline and nameplate.
This is a montage of local newspapers that i have researched about. As you can see the main newspaper incorporated into this moodboared is “Croydon Guardian”. This was due to the fact that, I would like to follow the conventions of this local newspaper because it’s based in the same area as my newspaper and both have the same target audience. I felt researching Croydon Guardian the most would influence the things I have inside my newspaper, it will not only give me a better understanding of the things i should have in it but how to make it appealing to my audience. I also incorporated pictures of my Target audience in my moodboared. I will be able to refer back to this moodboared when making my own newspaper as I can look at the way colour is used on newspapers, the layouts and also how the editor manages to create a hierarchy between different components of the newspaper.
WEEK 2 - The research
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websites of where i got my images from Through out my research I noticed that emotive language was used a lot in main headlines followed by a picture which has a caption underneath to give more information. I noticed that times new roman is a popular text used as it’s very formal and easy to read. Despite being local newspapersi noticed that it followed the conventions of a national newspaper which was that the background of the paper is a darkish white this is effective as it makes the text written on the newspaper stand out from the page. Also i noticed that there were teasers on the front page. This is to wet the audience appetite and give them a taste of what is in the paper. Although the main headline is what sells the newspaper, i feel the teasers can also sell the newspaper, because through my research there were some teasers that made me want to read the newspapers.Teasers can be put anywhere on the front page, either below the name plate or in the side bar which is mostly on the left hand side. I used the internet for my research. |
Friday, 5 November 2010
For the summer project i constructed a mock up of a newspaper, using the existing knowledge I have on newspapers. This was almost like a preliminary task before I start doing my proper newspaper. Through this task I managed to gain a rough idea of how I would like my newspaper to look like. Where I would like features to be and why. I created my newspaper (front page and contents page) using Adobe Indesingn, this helped me layout my newspaper and arrange the components that make a successful front page such as nameplate, headline and teasers unto the front page. I used indesign because it was the software used by many media companies to create their newspapers because it has multiple designs such as the selection tool which helped me move and re size things (images, captions, headlines) about on the page, the preview mode tool was effective as i could look at how my newspaper really looked without the guidelines. I noticed, I followed media conventions, as I had a nameplate, headline, sub headlines, captions and many more. The target audience i chose for this newspaper were parents and elderly people 16+, i chose this age group because i felt the newspaper will be more beneficial to them as they would actually read it, for example parents would read my newspaper in order to find out upcoming events in the area that their child could attend or where they could gain support from such as after school clubs for their children so they can go work etc. However, I noticed that my newspaper wasn't suitable for that age group as it was heavily embed ed with headlines regarding teenagers and pictures of them. Articles on the rise in A level grades along with pictures of teenagers in the article "A Star Dies" all emphasize this point. I followed media conventions of a local newspaper by having a teaser near the nameplate, in order to give the readers a taster of what will be in the paper. I had a dateline which also had the price and website of the newspaper, which informed the audience how to get soft copies of the paper by going on the website and viewing on the archives and also the price of them. Also, I advertised Barclays in my paper, this was not effective as those kind of adverts are used mainly for national papers because it is for a broad audience any where in the country however local papers should have adverts which will suite people in the area so for example my newspaper being based in Croydon, I could have had adverts such as events going on in the Whitgift centre, or house sales. Finally, I noticed that the name of my magazine does not inform the audience about where it is based and I felt this was not effective, however the red background i placed behind the name plate made my newspaper unique making it easier for my target audience to recognize it. Although my second page is not finished, i noticed that with more research it would come together very well. I noticed that the advert used this time unlike that of my first page was very effective as it appealed to those in the area who will be reading the paper. Also my headline was sharp and abrupt thus persuading the readers to read it. The headline does not really inform you much, this i felt was effective as it would make my target audience very inquisitive.
I used indesign to put this newspaper together
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