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Friday 21 January 2011



THE ongoing feud between Croydon’s most frivolous gang members broke out yesterday at Beulah Hill. Affiliates from rival gangs “Beulah Squad” and “Croydon Murders” battled it out with life threatening weapons over who “owned” the street.  The brawl which ended the life of  three teenagers, left residents around the area traumatised and in need of intense security. A bystander who witnessed the incident described the scene as “manic” saying “yobs of today seriously don’t know   or understand the value of life”
16 year old Mark Thompson, a member of the Croydon Murders gang was just one of the victims found lying in a pool of blood by the Met police on Wednesday 13th October after receiving several stab wounds to his chest and lower back. Detective Sean Paul traced the incident to a phone call received from a resident of the area who complained about a gang of boys hanging around the neighbourhood. CCTV images showed a young man covered with a balaclava reaching over to his victim with a weapon which resembled a broken bottle. Police assume the victim could have been Mark. Two youths who cannot be named for legal reasons have been arrested over the stabbing.
Friends yesterday paid tribute at the scene laying flowers and teddy bears.
“Everyone knew Mark, he was a good hardworking young man, who respected himself and others” said one of his friends. “I guess he was at the wrong place at the wrong time” added another.Marks mother Ms Ledia Thompson, who was the last to hear of her son’s death spoke greatly of her lost and pleaded for youths to “face their books and flip the knives”. She reinforced the statement that “you don’t just gain respect you have to earn it”. The Croydon poll last year saw the rise in  gang wars shoot up to a shocking 68% from the standard 42% , making Mark the thirty seventh teenager killed this year. Croydon’s Mayor Councillor Avril Slipper explained her great concern at the Town Hall meeting Yesterday and urged parents to take responsibility. Ms Avril Slipper spoke firmly about more people being trained as fire arms to gallivant around the street to help tackle this ongoing problem.

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Yesterday, over 2000 people dressed in their traditional attire came together at Croydon’s 20 feet park at Adair Close to represent their country. The annual event which allows different cultures and generation to merge together raised £4000.00 to promote the new charity campaign TAO (Together As One).  A source for Times Croydon said the day was enjoyable and educational.

Article 3


House prices will be increased by 6% this year according to the housing officers.  The boost which left home buyers devastated was due to the decrease in new buyers and low interest rates which left a hole in the sales profit of banks and estate agents. Despite the panic in which this change has caused, Lloyds TSB chief economist Eugene Donkor said “the change already will not affect those already on the property ladder
Article 4

A MAN has been held in custody after the corpse of his late wife was found under the bed in his family house at  Whitehorse Lane. The 42 year old woman was found with severe stab wounds  to her heart and lungs by the Met police at approximately 6pm yesterday, after neighbours complained to the council about the stench which had attracted pests into the building.
  Father of two Marcus Forest, 47 was allegedly seen by his neighbours hanging many red stained bed sheet covers unto the washing line late last night, after telling worried neighbours his wife had travelled back home to Ireland to visit a few relatives. His two children Dave and Dan both 14 reported their mother missing at their local police station after finding  the remaining parts of her passport in the recycling bin. The police was set to investigate the case and had printed out many “missing” pamphlets urging people with any information to get in contact with them. Paramedics who visited the scene yesterday pronounced the pregnant woman  dead. Her husband who answered “no comment” to every question, was arrested under suspicion of murder and was taken away by the police chanting  abuse at them. Neighbours said the family were very anti-social and complained of the many sleepless nights caused by the heated arguments coming from the house. The children expressed their disgust to their father, dubbing him as the worst role model a child can ever have and reported the abusive relationship they had with him. Detective Marcus Hennesy said serious action will be taken and further investigation will be going on. For more information on this story visit www.timescroydon.co.uk

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