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Monday 10 January 2011


This week i have been putting together my advert. I decided to make a college advert, this is due to the fact that I noticed that Croydon Guardian sometimes incorporates college adverts in October editions. Due to the fact that most people begin to enrol between September and October and I felt i would like to advertise essential adverts such as those. I began to look at how most college adverts are made not only from croydon guardian but other newspapers that feature college adverts. I decided to this because i felt they will go about creating it the same way as they are all college adverts and even researching on the logo's which most college adverts have to differentiate them from other colleges.

This is the logo for croydon college. I was extremely attracted to the style of this logo. I really like the three round circles which i felt added a fun and stylish edge to it. It made the college appear as though it is not strictly learning but also socialising and I really liked this. I like the bold font used on the Croydon as it highlighted the location it is situated in.

This is a college advert from Hackney Gazette. I noticed it had a consistent colour scheme which attracts the audience and draws their attention.The tick section balanced out the advert and didn't make it appear as though it is heavy with writing.

Below is an image of my college advert. 

For my logo, as you can see, i followed may conventions of the croydon college.  I also used the idea of having three circles, however I made three squares, as I wanted to make it look different to the original. I did this by creating three squares using the rectangle frame tool and then using the colour picker filled each in with the colour I wanted. as shown below: I also made the C bigger so it can stand for the C in both college and and Croydon. I did this because I felt it brought the logo together and made the graphology of the advert more cohesive and appealing. I did this by, highlighting the C and then clicking on the "character" tab and the clicking the font size tog o higher.I chose to highlight the "ofsted report" because i felt it made it more appealing, added colour to the text, yet making it correlate well with the colour scheme of the logo. Overall, I really like my advert and i feel i used media technologies such as Adobe Indesign effectively to put my advert together.

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