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Friday 28 January 2011

Research of my ancilary project

This week I  will be researching on my ancillary project which is to create a newspaper poster. Throughout my research I decided to look at both national and local newspapers because in terms of layout they follow similar conventions. When i conducted my research, I found out quite a lot about newspaper posters. Firstly most of them have a very simplistic layout with just the nameplate and headline being advertised on the page. A strong headline which uses either a pun or alliteration or even a rhyme are sometimes used to capture the audience attention much easily. The serif font size used is very big which draws the readers attention and lures them into finding out more thus buying/ reading the newspaper. When conducting my research, I found it quite hard to get hold f local newspapers and this could be because most newspapers are quite confident that their audience will purchase the newspaper immediately when it is published.

Below are two examples I came across  when doing my research.

This is a typical example of most newspaper posters which i got off the Internet using google (images). This is one from my local newspaper. As you can see there is a consistent colour scheme which flows through the poster which makes it more formal and links it well with the newspaper itself which uses both types of blue.  The nameplate is placed at the bottom of the newspaper. This puts more emphasis on the headline and shows that the editor feels that it is what will encourage the audience to purchase this issue of the paper. The colour of the font is black and it is placed on a plain white background which means it stands out more, this is emphasized by the font size which is large thus making the headline dominate the page, so this immediately grabs the audience attention. Although this poster is very simple it still manages to serve it's purpose which is to advertise the paper and persuade readers to purchase it. 

This is a very different newspaper poster. It has the title/ website of the newspaper at the top of the newspaper. Which means that it will be the first thing that the audience will establish. Despite the size of it, the position of the title/ web address draws the readers attention to it as they will recognize the paper. The image used correlates with the caption which is placed under the picture as it is an advertisement of people voicing their opinion and the image are microphones. So a pun is almost made within the advertisement. It is very colourful which enhances the aim of audience acknowledging the poster. It also uses persuasive words and synthetic personalisation "you" to directly address the audience and make them feel engaged. I really like this poster and I feel it works very well in advertising the newspaper. However, I found it quite different that it didn't directly address an article in the newspaper, and because of this I may consider not using it.

After My research, I did a moodboard of the different national and local newspaper posters, I found on the Internet using Microsoft word and then print screened it into Microsoft PowerPoint, and then cropped it, then saved it as a PNG file. 

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