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Monday 10 January 2011

week 13 -My second advert

The second advert I decide to feature on the front page, is for my target audience to win tickets to see a Romeo and Juliet live in theatre. I did this because through out my research i noticed that mist newspapers incorporated tickets for the readers to win. I felt this engaged the audience and made them feel involved. Below are examples of how I decided to change the picture to make it look more appropriate and attractive for the advert. I used different media technologies before finalising this advert. I began by scanning the ticket unto the computer, as shown below.

I then went into photoshop and opened the picture because I wanted to play around with the picture and see the different changes I can make to this picture to make it more appropriate for an advert. I went into the filter gallery and experimented with the different filters. However I ended up sticking with my original idea of scanning the picture and just using it, as i felt it made it look more authentic. Below are examples of  the changes I made to the pictures using the filter gallery.

This effect is called chalk and charcoal
This effect  is called film grain.

After deciding to keep the original picture i began making my advert using Adobe Indesign.

 Below is a print screen of my advert.

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